KHS Housing Society AGM

December 5, 2022 – 7 pm

Present – Kevin , Wanda, Christine, Alicia, Tara, Erika, Kate, Jackie, Alexandra, Gillian, John, Jean-Marc, Dave, Tammy, Suzan, Jana

7:04 – Meeting called to order (quorum reached)

  1. Meeting minutes approved (from 2021 AGM)
  2. Financial Report – 2021 (Alicia) – next AGM will be earlier in the year (there is lots that has happened since the beginning of 2022 – motion to accept the Financial report – Tara, seconded by Christine. Passed.
  3. Director’s Report (Erika) – “milestones” from the year including trajectory of building project, updates to governance /board members, committee updates, HR update (Alicia’s expanded role), professional development undertaken by the Board, and outreach activities. “Looking forward” updates related to changes in the Board and the need for new members as well as volunteers to serve on committees. New committees to come in 2023 – Project Management, and Neighbour Relations. Motion to accept the report – Erika. Seconded by Kate. Passed.
  4. Project Report (Kevin) – Photos, timeline, details including tradesmen involved, energy-efficiency and earthquake-proof aspects.
  5. Tenant Relations Committee Report – Christine and Alicia – updated application process, answered questions. Both project-related reports approved.
  6. Board Elections – Kate O’Keefe nominated by Alexandra, Erika, Alexandra, Christine and John nominated for another term, and all acclaimed.
  7. Call for Committee Additions – Kate agreed to join the Tenant Relations Committee.
  8. Discussion – the current building project is definitely not our last. We are excited about new opportunities and gathering new energy to help us continue to address housing needs in Kaslo.
      1. Jean Marc LaFlamme spoke to the National Housing Strategy/Challenge – funding construction technology at the federal government level. Focus on microhomes and off-grid living – for more information – and

      1. Tara spoke to long-term strategies and coordinating regional efforts/pooling resources (Village, RDCK, Housing Society…) – avoiding competing priorities when the goals actually align
  1. Motion to adjourn – Kate, seconded by Christine. Adjourned 8:16 pm

Signed Financial Statements

Directors report 2022

PSC report final