Hello friends, As you know, the Board of the Kaslo Housing Society is working hard, in partnership with New Commons Development and with considerable help from BC Housing, to make our project of a new 10-unit apartment building in lower Kaslo a reality. Construction should start in the spring! BC Housing has recently reviewed the […]
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Category: News
Public Hearing Monday, Nov 29 6pm.
The Kaslo Housing Society is proposing to build a 10 unit rental building behind the Kemball Memorial Centre. We can’t do this unless the zoning is changed to allow residential. Council is holding a public hearing to guide their decision making. Learn about this process, and all about the planned construction Monday evening at the […]
Project Update – November 2021
Please, visit our OurHousingProjectsPage to view the most current Update on our Penny Lane Apartments Project!
Nov 29 – Big Day For Affordable Housing In Kaslo
When you think of it, a zoning bylaw is one of the very few legal agreements about what villagers can and can’t do on their land that is created and upheld by villagers themselves. You can hardly think of any other set of laws as grassroots as the zoning bylaws. So when a citizen or […]
KHS Annual General Meeting – October 21st 2021 at 7pm via Zoom
We look forward to talking and sharing our exciting plans and progress on our Penny Lane Apartments project with you during our upcoming Annual General Meeting. We have 8 directors currently. 4 Directors will be continuing their 2 year terms: Erika Bird, chair John Rasmussen, treasurer Alexandra Halliday, webmaster Christine Parton, secretary Up for election […]
Comfortable, Secure, Affordable Housing in Kaslo – No Longer Just A Goal
After 20 + years the Kaslo Housing Society has secured the cornerstone of the funding that will make our project to construct a small apartment building in downtown Kaslo possible. BCHousing has just announced that our application for support under the Building BC: Community Housing Fund has been approved. It will happen – new, safe, […]