In the midst of the rapidly proceeding construction of our Penny Lane Apartment project in downtown Kaslo, we would like to express our deep gratitude and appreciation to our members, our partners: New Commons, BC Housing, the Columbia Basin Trust, The Village Council and staff and our community at large for their continued support and our team of professional construction crews and contractors for their timely, thorough and outstanding work. As you will see from the photo below, our beautiful Penny Lane Apartment building is indeed taking shape and moving ever closer to its completion and occupancy next Spring.

As well, we look forward to welcoming you to our 2022 AGM on Monday, the 5th of December at 7 pm.

In the days before the meeting we will provide you with easy access information to join the AGM via Zoom.

We currently have 7 directors. Erika Bird, chair; John Rasmussen, treasurer; Alexandra Halliday, vice chair and webmaster; Christine Parton, secretary (all up for re-election to another 2 year term); Wanda Ammon, director; Tara Clapp, director; and Kevin Flaherty, director (mid-term).

During this exciting time for the Kaslo Housing Society, we encourage you to renew your membership and consider becoming a part of our team of directors. Nominations for 2 more directors from the virtual “floor” will be accepted during the AGM.

How to renew your $5 annual membership:

  1. Online if you are a Kootenay Savings member: Transfer $5 to Maximizer Account # 564666. Be sure to put your name and “membership” in your note/message.
  2. E-transfer $5 to Please put your name and “membership” in the note. I’m sure you will think of a simple security question.
  3. Make use of the membership boxes currently at Sunnyside Naturals, Cornucopia and Eric’s Meat Market
  4. Ask, email, phone or text a current director and he or she will find a way for you to renew your membership.

Current Directors

Erika Bird 250-353-7492 (landline),

John Rasmussen

Wanda Ammon

Christine Parton

Alexandra Halliday

Kevin Flaherty

Looking forward to meeting with you at our AGM!

Your KHS Board

P.S.: For ongoing updates on our Penny Lane Apartments project, check our facebook page and view updates and photographs posted from time to time on this website.

Kaslo Housing Society AGM 2022 – December 5th, 2022 7 pm – Agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Acknowledgement of quorum (min 10)
  3. Minutes of 2021 AGM
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Report from chair
  6. Report on rental housing project
  7. Election of new directors
    1. Directors mid-term (not up for election):
      1. Kevin Flaherty
      2. Tara Lynne Clapp
      3. Wanda Ammon
    2. Directors recommended by board for nomination
      1. John Rasmussen
      2. Christine Parton
      3. Erika Bird
      4. Alexandra Halliday
    3. Nominations requested from the floor
    4. Voting for directors
  8. Call for committee members
  9. Open discussion, questions



Kaslo Housing Society AGM 2021 – October 21, 2021 7 pm – Draft Meeting Minutes

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Erika Bird, Gerry Devine, Tara Lynne Clapp, Kevin Flaherty, John Rasmussen, Alexandra Halliday, Christine Parton, Wanda Ammon. Other attendees: 6 KHS members, 6 non-members

  1. Call to Order
  2. Quorum verified (10 members)
  3. Approval of 2020 AGM minutes
  4. Treasurer’s Report, delivered by John Rasmussen
    1. No fundraising events after Winter in the Forest Fesival in 2020 due to Covid restrictions
    2. Most income from grants, including $20,000 in grants for the housing feasibility and pre-development studies
    3. There were no questions and no objections made to approving the report
  5. Director’s Report delivered by Erika Bird
    1. An account of the changes in board membership since 2020 AGM
    2. The impact of the pandemic on fundraising
    3. Primary focus of the board has been preparing an application to Building BC: Community Housing Fund (submitted late January and approved in May) and steering project forward
    4. Information about partners New Commons Development: Small Communities Initiative
    5. Bookkeeper Alicia Sergeant hired on contract and need to hire a project coordinator, perhaps one who would work for both KHS and the New Denver and Area Housing Society
    6. Report put to discussion, and approved.
  6. Tara Lynne Clapp – presenting the Project Report/Summary

Questions –

  • Placement of 3rd floor apartments to allow better view from windows (flipping floor plan)
  • Possibility of scooter (mobility access) charging station/parking space – Erika asked Cheryl to email us with the details
  • Others can weigh in on design or send other questions to
  1. Election of Directors
    1. No nominations from the floor
      1. 3 positions filled by acclamation (Kevin Flaherty, Wanda Ammon and Tara Lynne Clapp)


  1. Special Resolutions

Special Resolution #1: Replace ARTICLE IV 4.01 Number and Quorum:

a. The property and affairs of the society shall be managed by a board of directors of not fewer than five (5) nor more than twelve (12) directors, subject to clauses 4.11and 4.12. The directors shall be vested with full control of the revenues and expenditures of the society except as otherwise stated in these bylaws.

with ARTICLE IV. 4.01 Number and Quorum:

a. The property and affairs of the society shall be managed by a board of directors of not fewer than five (5) nor more than nine (9) directors, subject to clauses 4.11and 4.12. The directors shall be vested with full control of the revenues and expenditures of the society except as otherwise stated in these bylaws.

Special Resolution #2: Delete the sentence in bold from ARTICLE IV 4.12 Election of Directors and Term of Office:
Directors shall hold office for a term of two {2) years except that at the first annual meeting half (5O%) of the directors to be elected shall be elected for only a one (1) year term. All subsequent annual meetings shall elect directors for two (2) year terms, as each term expires. Directors shall be eligible to serve for three (3) consecutive terms after which time they may not run for further consecutive terms unless there are fewer candidates than there are director positions open for election at the AGM. Where part of a term is served by a director to fill a vacancy, it shall not be counted for re-election purposes.

  1. Resolution One – (maximum number of Board Members)
  • Kevin moves to accept the motion, Wanda seconding
    1. Voted – 11 out of 14 members in favour. Motion passes
  1. Two – regarding number of terms directors can remain on the Board
  • Alexandra moves to accept and Wanda seconds the motion
    1. Voted – 12 out of 14 members in favour. Motion passes

Open Discussion

  • Alexandra thanks the Board for their active engagement, and encourages the public to check out the website (new photos of the project will be added soon) and to reach out with questions, concerns, and comments.
  • Gerry asked if contractor can live stream the building process for public viewing online – Erika shared that one applicant to the contractor position takes frequent pictures to be able to do stop-motion video.

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn 8:27