June 1 The footings are in and the carpenters are building the forms for the foundation. 

June 1 – Say hi to George Nenzel if you see him in town or on-site. George is the site supervisor for the Penny Lane apartments and a resident of Meadow Creek for the past 9 years.

Sept 13 – So excited to see the crane lifting up the roof trusses today. Our building is taking shape!

Sept 21 – The roofline is taking shape!

Sept 21 – The Board of the Kaslo Housing Society (KHS) is part of the regular oversight process for the construction of the Penny Lane Apartments. As part of that process we share in extremely detailed construction reports.

Thanks to our contractor partners, North Mountain Construction, and their  workforce and contractors selected through our rigorous tendering process, the construction of The Penny Lane Apartments is on budget and on schedule. We still expect to open the doors in April 2023.

The KHS Board Tenancy Relations Committee is working within the frameworks of BC Housing and the Residential Tenancy Act to determine our priority tenant and application processes and procedures for smooth and effective operation of the Apartments once completed.